Weekly Studies
THE JOURNEY Women come together for Bible studies periodically, but there is not one currently. Please watch this space and the Sunday Morning Worship Folders for announcements of our next study. While we’re waiting for the next study to begin, feel free to come to church early on Sunday mornings and hang out in the cafe with everyone else.

Deeper Than “Hi” and “Bye”
THE JOURNEY Women desire to go beyond the surface. We want to connect spiritually and socially and to build one another up in our desire to glorify God.

Faithful Friends
Our goal is to become faithful friends, encouraging wives, discipling moms, and fearless followers of Jesus. Come join us as we encourage and equip each other to grow in Christ and reach our community for Jesus.

Monthly Activities
Our plan is to have a monthly activity as well as a Women’s Bible study. All outings are intended for the ladies only. Moms need time out without children.
If you have questions about THE JOURNEY Women’s group, contact Kelsie Brown.