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Join The Church at Franklin

Join The Church at Franklin

Hey there, Journey Community Church family. Do you miss me yet? I’ve got to be honest with you. I miss you guys. This whole quarantine thing for an extrovert like me is painful. But we’re doing well over here at the Team Acrey 7 household.

I wanted to shoot you this quick video and put it on our Facebook Group page to let you know of something you may have received in your Facebook page. I’ve invited you to a page called The Church at Franklin, and I wanted to explain a little bit about what that is.

One of the things that I’ve always done, that I’ve always thought was very important, was to network with other pastors, and so during this time I thought that’s going to be something that’s very important as well. And so, myself and a few other pastors are putting together this page called The Church at Franklin because, really, the church is about God’s church, the Body of Jesus, and I don’t think we understand exactly how many followers of Jesus we actually have here in Franklin.

And so, we decided to collectively as pastors to start this page and invite people from our church to join this page. That way, you can be encouraged and see how many followers of Jesus — at least on Facebook — that we have here in Franklin.

But we want to take it even a step further than that. Since we’re not able to meet together corporately right now, we thought this would be a great opportunity to bring together the corporate body of Christ. And so, what we’re going to do is, there’s six pastors who are facilitating this page, and each night one of us is going to take some time and do a devotion and just some prayer time and just some Scripture reading and stuff like that.

So, we want you to go and join The Church at Franklin, join that page, and then we’ll set up a time — we don’t have all the details worked out just yet — but we’ll set up a time where each night we will get online and we’ll set up and do a live video where we’re teaching Scripture and having a prayer time.

So, it will be me some nights. Then other nights it will be other pastors. So, I’m really excited about this, and I hope you will, too. This will be a great time for us to stay connected during this time of quarantine.

Again, it won’t be a long service. It’ll be ten, fifteen minutes, each night. And so, great devotion, great opportunity for you to stay connected with God’s will. So, I hope you’ll join us on that page.

If you have any questions, hit me up. Miss you guys like crazy. I love being your pastor. I’ll talk to you soon.