Hey there, church. Happy Good Friday to you today.
If you’re like me, maybe you’re kind of wondering what is Good Friday all about? I know when I became a follower of Jesus, I was really confused by that. I became a follower of Jesus at 20 years old and for the first couple years I was wondering why is it “good” Friday? Jesus died. And then I realized, obviously, because that is what gives us our eternity — His death on the cross. And so, I hope you’re celebrating that today.
But what I want to get on here to do is to challenge you to two things.
The first thing I want to challenge you to, is that I want you to get on your phone, get on Facebook Live, or film a video and then load it to Facebook, but would you take two minutes and share your story of how you became a follower of Jesus? Our sending church, Liberty Heights Church, is doing this and they’ve been hashtagging it #thisismystory, and I just thought, man, that’s really cool.
And so, kind of last minute, I’m asking our church to get online and do the same thing, but do it public. Don’t do it on our page. Do it on your public page, because we want your friends to see this. We want your friends to be encouraged by the gospel.
Second thing I want to encourage you to do is Sunday morning, as we celebrate Easter, as we celebrate the resurrection of who Jesus is, the resurrection of him raising from the dead, defeating death, we want to receive communion together. And so I want you to be prepared for that now. I know we put some posts out there, but would you do me a favor? Would you get you some juice and some bread for your family? It doesn’t have to be grape juice. It doesn’t have to be unleavened bread. Whatever. Listen. Focus on what you have. Focus on the meaning behind it because we’re quarantined right now. I know it’s not easy to go to the store. And so, even if you’ve got, I don’t know, a coke and some crackers — I don’t know! I don’t think Jesus is worried about what you use. I think he wants you to think about the sacrament of communion as we celebrate that together.
So you’re going to be in your own home celebrating that. I’m going to hang up from here. I’m going to go film my story video. So there’s my two challenges to you. Would you be willing to take two to three minutes, make a video of how you came to know Jesus and post that for all to see. Hashtag #ThisIsTheJourney and hashtag #ThisIsMyStory. Then make sure you prepare to receive communion with us on Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
We’ve got a special treat for you on Sunday morning during our live [Facebook worship gathering]. I’m really, really excited about that. I can’t wait for you guys to get to be a part of that, of kind of something else that I’m not really talking right now because I want to make sure it’s going to go before we attempt it.

And so, I can’t wait to see you. We hope we’ll see you in The Lobby on Sunday morning through our Zoom app before and after church. And I hope you’ll make that video. Hashtag it #ThisIsTheJourney and hashtag #ThisIsMyStory. And then Sunday morning, come and receive communion with us as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
Happy Good Friday. Happy Easter weekend. Stay safe.