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Sermons on 2 Peter

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 6

https://fb.watch/4fcTbo6sWe/ Ready or Not Here I Come 2 Peter 3:11-18 How to be ready for Christ’s return: Eternal perspective should shape current living.    Holiness – taking serious what God’s word says (conduct)    Godliness – attitude Live in state of expectancy    How are you living? What are you living for? 1 John 2:28    It’s not too late to fix it.… Continue Reading Hope is Here Week 6

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 5

https://fb.watch/4fcC6cNReW/ Jesus, What Are You Waiting For? 2 Peter 3:1-10 Question 1: Is Jesus Really Coming Back? Answer: Jesus return is a dominant theme in scripture! (v.2, John 14:1-3, Acts 1:9-11) Answer: Doubters validate the prophecy of Christ’s return. (2 Peter 3:4) Answer: Jesus return is consistent with God’s patter of judgement.    Apart from God’s righteous judgement… Continue Reading Hope is Here Week 5

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 4

https://fb.watch/3YUo1RYTwT/ 2 Peter 2:12-22 False teachers are slaves to unashamed lust. (v. 12-14) False teachers cannot deliver on their promises. (v.17) What to watch out for Be wise to their approach. (v.18-19)    • Appeal to flesh    • Tell what you want to hear Be more enamored with a teacher’s life than his words.

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 2

https://fb.watch/3J1gZyoFAE/ 2 Peter 1:12-21 2 Truths about the Bible The Bible claims to be the very word of God. v. 21; Psalm 22; Isaiah 53 There is only one right interpretation to every verse! v. 20; Hebrews 1:1-2 One of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to help you understand the truth of God’s word.

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 1

https://www.facebook.com/TheJourneyCommunityChurch/videos/412889570012361/ 2 Peter 1:1-11 3 Steps to Growing in Confidence in Christ: Decide that Jesus is sufficient for everyday life. v. 3-4 You have to work to appropriate what you have! v. 5a The payoff: usefulness and assurance v. 8-10 The assurance of your salvation comes from the evidence of it not the experience.