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Sermons from March 2021

Matthew 28:19

Matthew 28:18-20

Guest Speaker Alex Fisher Matthew 28:18-20 We are called to live out God’s mission. We need to submit to God’s authority.    Jesus is in authority whether or not you chose to acknowledge it. Make disciples    Disciple – someone who is actively following Christ We are called to rest in the presence of God. If you are a… Continue Reading Matthew 28:18-20

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 6

https://fb.watch/4fcTbo6sWe/ Ready or Not Here I Come 2 Peter 3:11-18 How to be ready for Christ’s return: Eternal perspective should shape current living.    Holiness – taking serious what God’s word says (conduct)    Godliness – attitude Live in state of expectancy    How are you living? What are you living for? 1 John 2:28    It’s not too late to fix it.… Continue Reading Hope is Here Week 6

Hope is Here

Hope is Here Week 5

https://fb.watch/4fcC6cNReW/ Jesus, What Are You Waiting For? 2 Peter 3:1-10 Question 1: Is Jesus Really Coming Back? Answer: Jesus return is a dominant theme in scripture! (v.2, John 14:1-3, Acts 1:9-11) Answer: Doubters validate the prophecy of Christ’s return. (2 Peter 3:4) Answer: Jesus return is consistent with God’s patter of judgement.    Apart from God’s righteous judgement… Continue Reading Hope is Here Week 5