Romans 12:3-8
- To fully surrender is the only logical response to God’s mercy (Romans 12:1)
- Renew our minds using God’s Word, choose what glorifies God instead of gratifying our flesh
Spiritual Gifts Found in Four Places
- Romans 12
- 1 Corinthians 12
- Ephesians 4
- 1 Peter 4
Spiritual Gifts Divided into Three Categories
- Speaking gifts
- Serving gifts
- Sign gifts
Step #1 in a Surrendered Life That Serves is…
- Humble yourself
Romans 12:3
1 Corinthians 12:11, 18
Step #2 in a Surrendered Life That Serves is…
- Understand your value
Romans 12:4-5
Step #3 in a Surrendered Life That Serves is…
- Play your part
Romans 12:6-8
Three Basic Truths
- Every believer has at least one gift
- No believer has all the gifts (that should lead to humility)
- Your spiritual gift enables you to serve the body of Christ effectively
Spiritual Gifts in Romans 12
- Prophecy – ability to declare the truth
- Ministry – behind the scenes, practical
- Teaching – explain, clarify, make simple
- Exhortation – encourage, come alongside
- Giving – ability to see needs and meet them
- Leadership – organization, administration
- Mercy – show compassion to the hurting