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Old School: Faces in the Old Testament

Old School: David – How to Ruin Your Life

2 Samuel 11:1-17

David – How to Ruin Your Life

  1. Allow complacency to creep in.
  2. Begin to justify self-indulgence.
  3. Ignore sin’s progression.
    a) A sinful thought becomes an attractive thought.
    b) An attractive thought becomes an obsessive thought.
    c) An obsessive thought grows into an imagined outcome.
    d) An imagined outcome promises a manageable outcome.
    e) A manageable outcome becomes an action.
    f) An action becomes unmanageable.
    g) An unmanageable life becomes a ruined life.
    h) A ruined life stays ruined through shame.

Action steps

  • Understand where the battle really is — in your thought life.
  • Lean into relationships instead of running from them.
  • Build some adventurous faith into your Christian life.
  • Repent; don’t manage.
  • Surrender your life to Jesus today! All of it!