Romans 8:1-17
Foundational Truths
- God set us free from sin and death
- God condemned sin in Christ
“The law of the Spirit of life” is the gospel - Such a mind is hostile towards God
Why it is important for those not following Christ to please God
- They live according to the flesh
- The mind set on the flesh is death
- Such a mind is hostile towards God
FLESH • Death • Hostile towards God • Cannot please God | SPIRIT • Life • Peace with God • Pleases God |
How do we get the strength of the Holy Spirit?
- What are the implications?
- What is the immediate result?
- What is the eventual result?
What is our obligation?
- What it is not: our obligation is not to the flesh
- The same as that of a son or daughter
- The privilege of children
He bears witness with your spirit
- By drawing you to the Word and illuminating its words to you
- By convicting you of sin and your need to live righteously
- By granting faith and repentance for the forgiveness of sin