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Tune In

Tune In: The Key to it All

Tune In

Romans 8:1-17

Foundational Truths

  1. God set us free from sin and death
  2. God condemned sin in Christ
    “The law of the Spirit of life” is the gospel
  3. Such a mind is hostile towards God

Why it is important for those not following Christ to please God

  1. They live according to the flesh
  2. The mind set on the flesh is death
  3. Such a mind is hostile towards God
• Death
• Hostile towards God
• Cannot please God
• Life
• Peace with God
• Pleases God

How do we get the strength of the Holy Spirit?

  1. What are the implications?
  2. What is the immediate result?
  3. What is the eventual result?

What is our obligation?

  1. What it is not: our obligation is not to the flesh
  2. The same as that of a son or daughter
  3. The privilege of children

He bears witness with your spirit

  • By drawing you to the Word and illuminating its words to you
  • By convicting you of sin and your need to live righteously
  • By granting faith and repentance for the forgiveness of sin