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Jesus is Better Than...

Jesus is Better Than: The Danger of Drifting

Jesus is Better Than...

    Jeremiah 14:7, Jeremiah 2:19, Hebrews 2:1-4

    The theme of Hebrews is the supremacy of Christ and the encouragement to persevere in the face of persecution because of His supremacy.

    1. Be deliberate and diligent so you don’t drift!
      Question 1: Is he speaking to Christians or non-Christians?
      Question 2: How does a Christian drift away?

    Either you are holding fast to your confession of faith in Christ and are striving against sin, OR you are drifting spiritually and are in danger of judgment.

    Mark 2:3, Hebrews 2:4, Mark 4:3-9, Matthew 7:21-23

    Drifting is dangerous, not because you could lose your salvation, but because, if you drift to the point of never returning, you give evidence that you never possessed it in the first place.

    What causes drifting?

    • Emotional discouragement
    • Temptation
    • Legalism
    • Fear of man

    Pay attention to Pastor Shawn’s words this morning so I won’t drift!